
文章来源:国际视野教育网 2020-03-05 09:14:12
轻松愉快的暑假画上了圆满的句号,又到9月开学季。艾毅幼儿园在各城市的幼儿园也已经陆续开学,迎接新的小伙伴入园。 每当新生入园,就会听到园所内不时传来哭声。不仅是孩子紧张、局促,家长也特别担心孩子对新环境感到陌生、不能适应幼儿园集体生活。...


































  1. 正式告别,说完“再见”后离开











  The happy summer vacation has come to an end, and our back-to-school season is in full swing! Ivy kindergartens in every city are opening one after another to welcome returning and new students.

  Every time new students first join a kindergarten, we often hear sounds of crying. Not only are these new students understandably nervous, but their parents are worried that their children may not be able to adjust to the new environment or to life in a kindergarten.

  But please don’t worry. To help children adjust and feel comfortable in their new environment, Ivy teachers are here to support you and your child 100%! Here are some examples of what we did.

  An Education Salon to provide extra support for families

  Entering kindergarten for the first time is a challenge for both children and parents, and many parents may feel at a loss.

  Ivy MI Kindergarten Eco-city Campus (Tianjin) invited Jia Weiyue, the founder of Boya Kindergarten and noted early education expert to share her insights with Ivy parents at our Education Salon.

  At this event, we explained the etiquette, communication and some common illnesses children may be prone to, to help parents understand the things they should pay attention to before and after their children begin kindergarten.

  by Ivy MI Kindergarten Eco-city Campus(Tianjin)

  A day at school with their parents

  Ivy MI Kindergarten Lijing Campus (Beijing) arranged a unique activity for new students to help them feel comfortable. Children were able to spend a day experiencing the kindergarten with their parents. Teachers guided children participate in group games, recognize English words with foreign teachers, and try out various creative DIY activities.

  The arrangement not only helped children become familiar and comfortable in their new environment, it also helped parents understand how their children spend their days at the kindergarten.

  What a beautiful day in kindergarten

  by Ivy MI Kindergarten Lijing Campus (Beijing)

  A memorable welcome ritual for children

  A red carpet stretched from the gate to the campus, while pink balloons lined the paths to welcome the children. This welcome ritual created a memorable and happy first impression for the students.

  For children who took the school bus for the first time, teachers boarded the bus and gently guided them off the bus. For those who were not quite accustomed to the new kindergarten life, teachers patiently played games and read picture books with them to ease their anxiety.

  by Ivy Bilingual School Orchid Garden Campus (Beijing)

  Asking “friends” that children are familiar with to the kindergarten as guests

  For new students, the first day of kindergarten means leaving their parents and staying with new teachers and students. It is indeed a challenge to children.

  Teachers at Ivy MI Kindergarten First City Campus (Xi'an) carried out an innovative welcoming ceremony. They had people dressed up like in familiar children characters such as Peppa Pig, and Briar and Bramble to welcome the children at the gate. When the children saw the familiar characters, they immediately felt like they were seeing old friends and lost their fear.

  by Ivy MI Kindergarten First City Campus (Xi'an)

  Overcoming multiple “first times”

  Time flies. Two weeks have passed since Ivy MI Kindergarten La Botanica Campus (Xi’an) opened for the new semester. During the last week, children have overcome multiple “first times”.

  The first time to go to the washroom independently; first time to make many new friends; first time to go through entry check under the guidance of teachers; first time to join group games with other children; first time to line up and eat meals by themselves…

  After two weeks of kindergarten life, children have become accustomed to it, and everything has become a familiar routine.

  by Ivy MI Kindergarten La Botanica Campus (Xi’an)

  To help children love their new environment, each Ivy kindergarten tries their best to come up with innovative ideas, to build an emotional link between the children and kindergarten filled with warmth, love and patience.

  However, studies show that children who enter the kindergarten for the first time need about a month to adjust. During this period, children may experience mixed emotions.

  So, we suggest parents consult with their children’s teachers to help their children adjust to kindergarten.

  Tips on treating separation anxiety

  1.Officially say goodbye and leave

  It’s not suitable for parents to leave the children by just disappearing or sneaking out after dropping off their children, because such actions may cause the children to feel like they were somewhat deceived

  Of course, leaving in a slow and reluctant way may also make children feel more anxious and nervous. So, we suggest that parents simply say “goodbye” before leaving, and encourage their children to say “goodbye” back.

  2、Have an open mindset to positively influence the children

  Parents should try not to behave with anxiety or worry in front of their children. Instead, ask open-ended questions like “how was your day today?” rather than “did anyone hurt you today?” Please guide the children with positive and objective ideas.

  3. Nurture children’s independence to help them embrace kindergarten life

  In the kindergarten, teachers nurture children’s independence by guiding them to eat, get dressed, sleep and fold their quilt by themselves. We suggest that parents practice these habits at home with their children as well to help them adjust to kindergarten life.

  4. Pay attention to children’s behaviors

  Some children may experience behavioral changes, such as mood swings, becoming more timid, etc. Should that happen, parents need to understand their children and make the necessary adjustments to support their children.

  by Ivy Bilingual School Summit Residences Campus (Ningbo)

  The separation anxiety of new students is often just a temporary phenomenon. Teachers will stay with children who may take a little bit more time to adjust to a new environment. We believe that children will definitely overcome the difficulties and start their own kindergarten life bravely.