

上海 闵行区

  • 招生层次:高中
  • 学费:
  • 课程体系:BC
  • 留学国家:加拿大
  •   上海教科实验中学开办于1998年,是一所隶属于上海协和教育中心(集团)的全日制完中(初、高中)。学校办学质量优异,是中国民办教育研究实验基地,上海市教科院多元智能开发试点学校、区绿色学校、区行为规范示范校。学校实行科研支撑,专家治校,名师执教,办学水平位于闵行区前列。

      学校坚持尊重差异、提供选择、开发潜能、多元发展的办学思想,为满足家长、学生对教育的多元需求,于2010年引进加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省(简称B.C.省)课程。 课程主要包含三部分,分别是国内的四门课程(语文、、历史、地理)、BC省高中同步课程、以及英语辅助课程,旨在为学生提供中外融合的优质教育和生活体验,培养学生成为兼具爱国情操和国际视野的世界公民,为国内高中学生在多元文化教育过程中创造多元出口。


      Established in 1998, Shanghai United International School Jiaoke Campus is a full-time secondary school granted by the National Ministry of Education to offer national curricula between Grade 6 and 12. It recruits students mainly from Shanghai and its surrounding areas. The school prides itself in having a contemporary infrastructure, a flexible system and advanced educational philosophy.

      As a key school of this region, it has undergone a series of transformation to become an internationalized school, therefore it has introduced the British Columbia curriculum of Canada to Chinese students.

      Philosophy and Objectives:

      To provide quality education of experience

      To promote multiplein-telligence development in order to cultivate global citizens, as well as prepare students withtheir overseas studies by creating a pathway to the world’s prestigious institutes.