
文章来源:国际视野教育网 2020-03-09 15:10:01
8月20日起,力迈中美国际学校卡文特部门的外教开始进行了为期5天的密集培训。来自美国的培训师来到北京为卡文特部门的教师们进行培训并交流想法。 第一天的培训主要介绍了卡文特与力迈和CTN门户网站使用情况的关系。...

   8月20日起,力迈中美国际学校卡文特部门的外教开始进行了为期5天的密集培训。来自美国的培训师来到北京为卡文特部门的教师们进行培训并交流想法。 第一天的培训主要介绍了卡文特与力迈和CTN门户网站使用情况的关系。



  Calvert department of Limai starts the year with 5 days of extensive training for its teachers. Trainers from the US arrived to train and share ideas with Calvert teachers. The training started off well for the first day with introduction about Calvert’s relation with Limai and CTN portal usage.



  在第二天和第三天的培训中, 培训师专注于学科教学策略和理念。卡文特团队积极参与了培训,有经验的教师们指导和帮助了新教师们。 在第四天和第五天的培训中,教师们分享了各自想法,并提出了对学生纪律和正面教导的标准。 卡文特总监Mark Rasool先生还对教师们进行了情绪管理和与家长沟通方面的培训指导。

  During the second and third day Calvert trainers focussed on Subject teaching strategies and ideas. Calvert team participated well in the training and the senior teachers guided and helped the new teachers. On the fourth and fifth day teachers shared ideas and came up with standards for student discipline and positive reinforcement. Calvert PM, Mark Rasool trained teachers on Anger management and communication with parents.