
文章来源:国际视野教育网 2020-04-09 07:27:41






  To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, to follow the footsteps of great men and to inherit the spirit of revolution, students of Grade 8 traveled to Changsha. (Day 4)

  It was completely clear and sunny today and we felt the coming of early autumn. The temperature was moderate and suitable for sightseeing. After breakfast, we went to Hunan First Normal University, whose predecessor is City College in Nansong Dynasty, where Mao Zedong spent eight years working. What left us a deep impression was a well, where Mao Zedong often took a cold bath here during the period of study. He thought the cold bath was able to exercise body and mind. He also engaged in a series of revolutionary activities here, laying a good foundation for the future revolution road. We should learn resilience and boldness from him. This is the last stop of our visit. After visiting we will return to Beijing. During this journey students learned more about Huxiang culture and received deep patriotic education.